Reopen – upset the cart

Society, Commerce, Government, Recreation, … Individual Plans

I was Upset; I see it now.
‘The campaign to “open” America flows from the superrich and their front groups’. What I thought was Grass-Roots is Astro-Turf. This is an Olde political operation.
“A protest against Michigan’s stay-at-home order outside the State Capitol last week” was REALLY a political Rally of a few people. Note the crowds. Me neither. When you something like this look for a picture from a greater perspective, Stand Back, to see the size of the crowds.
The protest might be real but this ain’t it!

Protest or Rally?

We do not need to open/reopen America… NO, America never closed!
ObviousMan points out the above. “Protesting is not listed as an essential activity!”
Unlike France, Italy no one is arrested for going outside but for endangering the public with large gathering ie. megaChurch worship vs the protest above.
We are ready for safe changes. That is the reason this all started in the first place. Each Area of our complex LIFE was changed all at once.
The Medical arena changed but did not close.  It became a center.
Politics did not close.  It became a center.
State Government held it place to what/where needed. Each location required a unique approach.  California actually found it was the starting point not Washington.  Does it matter?
Society took a hit and closed, Almost. Church RIGHTs got in the way for some. We never did find out if any bad affect happened. Does it matter?
Recreation seemed to close, at least was hard hit.  After Cruise Lines and Spring Breaks settled down recreation turned to walks in the park and runs on trails at a social distance.
Military realized it also had a responsibility for the health of the forces, the navy took the lead on; this. And SO Forth…My lawn care team never stopped cutting grass; Construction of new buildings continued.

Society and commerce have the greatest need to reopen but are not first… Recreation is first with certain areas which are easy to open, and sometimes never closed despite what was said. Stay-at-home never actually ordered any business to close just to follow the social-distancing guidelines.  Some of the non-essential businesses, manufacturing, stores, transportation, earning a wage to live, … need to reassign or be reassign as essential to make this easier. This needs to done not officially but personally because workers who personally do not feel safe at work need to stay home and receive compensation if required. I feel this will not be abused, ‘I just feel it’. Gradually households will emerge to shop, play, but not in large groups that may still not be safe with a second wave a probability. NOT at school. I feel that school and classroom should be revised to utilize technology better.  There is no need for students to congregate in a classroom to something that is individual in nature. assemble for a purpose as needed to present face-to-face what needs hands-on activity.  NOW is the time when we have already stopped the old norm. WE need an individual plan for each area and each individual, us, in the country. The time is YESTERDAY.

My soapbox for this entirety is responsibility. Other post will give details. The Rights movements of the last century were never completed with the other half of Freedom.  It is time for a country that was built on Freedom to demand the Rights and Responsibilities that make up that great concept.  Too any individuals Take Rights and Refuse any responsibility. (I won’t mention names here, There are so Many high and low)

This statement was lost in  the mass of words ‘We are engaged in a “natural experiment” of differing approaches to the epidemic on a massive scale, and we are likely to see over the coming weeks what the consequences of that will be.’
Florida –  With pressure mounting from public health officials and political leaders nationwide, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday reversed course and ordered residents across the state to stay at home to help reduce the toll of the coronavirus pandemic. The order takes effect at 12:01 a.m. Friday, April 3. DeSantis said what changed his mind was Trump’s call on Sunday for the national social-distancing guidelines to be extended through April because of mathematical models showing how death tolls would soar if the population did not observe the recommended public health guidelines for staying at home. Trump has not issued a national stay-at-home order. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed Executive Order 20-91 on April 1 outlining a stay-at-home policy for Floridians.
all persons in Florida shall limit their movements and personal interactions outside of their home to only those necessary to obtain or provide essential services or conduct essential activities.

All businesses or organizations are encouraged to provide delivery, carry-out or curbside service outside of the business or organization, of orders placed online or via telephone, to the greatest extent practicable.  
Please make a note of this. It DOES imply that businesses or organizations are encouraged to Stay Open and Be Safe while doing so.

Reading On the federal side.  


Tragedy Is Unfolding

I know nobody is reading these post but I am writing, I guess, for me. In this article
‘A Tragedy Is Unfolding’: Inside New York’s Virus Epicenter
“In a city ravaged by an epidemic, few places have been as hard hit as central Queens.”
 By Annie Correal and Andrew Jacobs.
 Published April 9, 2020 Updated April 10, 2020

In a city ravaged by the coronavirus, few places have suffered as much as central Queens, where a seven-square-mile patch of densely packed immigrant enclaves recorded more than 7,000 cases in the first weeks of the outbreak.

Anil Subba, a Nepali Uber driver from Jackson Heights, Queens, died just hours after doctors at Elmhurst Hospital thought he might be strong enough to be removed from a ventilator.

In the nearby Corona neighborhood, Edison Forero, 44, a restaurant worker from Colombia, was still burning with fever when his housemate demanded he leave his rented room, he said.

Not far away in Jackson Heights, Raziah Begum, a widow and nanny from Bangladesh, worries she will be ill soon.
“We are so hungry, but I am more terrified that I will get sick,” said Ms. Begum, 53, who has diabetes and high blood pressure.

Across the Ocean in Italy:

Isolating the Sick at Home, Italy Stores Up Family Tragedies

“Stay home” measures have helped Italy control the coronavirus, but home is also a dangerous place that may be propping up the infection curve the lockdown was meant to suppress.

ROME — When her middle-aged son got sick, Ruffina Pompei did what she had done for decades, bringing vegetable soup and freshly squeezed orange juice to his room. She slept in an armchair outside his room and changed his clothes. She told her husband, 89, to steer clear.

Her son died in a hospital in the region of Abruzzo on March 29. Her husband died the next day in the same hospital. Ms. Pompei, 82, was also diagnosed with the virus.

Italian households represent “the biggest reservoir of infections,” said Massimo Galli, the director of the infectious diseases department at Luigi Sacco University Hospital in Milan. He called the cases “the possible restarting point of the epidemic in case of a reopening.”

The family acts as a multiplier, said Andrea Crisanti, the top scientific consultant on the virus in the Veneto region. “This is a ticking time bomb,” he said.

The predicament of home infections is emerging not just in Italy but in hot spots across the globe, in Queens and the Paris suburbs, as well as the working-class neighborhoods of Rome and Milan. It is also a problem that local officials and epidemiologists say is getting too little attention, particularly as the government has announced tentative steps toward reopening in early May.

The problem is one the Chinese government bludgeoned quickly. It ordered the roundup of all residents in Wuhan infected with the coronavirus, warehousing them in quarantine camps, sometimes with little care. While that approach may have helped contain the virus, ripping people apart from their homes is anathema to Western democracies, especially Italy, where tight-knit families are the rule.

And don’t ask about Paris just read.  Some is data is old but was new once.  I just did not see it.


Start at the beginning

The Infection That’s Silently Killing Coronavirus Patients points to something we new from the beginning. Excerpts follow: To my amazement, most patients I saw said they had been sick for a week or so with fever, cough, upset stomach and fatigue, but they only became short of breath the day they came to the hospital. Their pneumonia had clearly been going on for days, but by the time they felt they had to go to the hospital, they were often already in critical condition. Covid pneumonia cases are very different. A vast majority of Covid pneumonia patients I met had remarkably low oxygen saturations at triage — seemingly incompatible with life — but they were using their cellphones as we put them on monitors. As the inflammation from Covid pneumonia starts, it causes the air sacs to collapse, and oxygen levels fall. Yet the lungs initially remain “compliant,” not yet stiff or heavy with fluid. By the time patients have noticeable trouble breathing and present to the hospital with dangerously low oxygen levels, many will ultimately require a ventilator.

Widespread pulse oximetry screening for Covid pneumonia — whether people check themselves on home devices or go to clinics or doctors’ offices — could provide an early warning system for the kinds of breathing problems associated with Covid pneumonia. Continue reading in a part 2 on May 25.


It started with
Thomaston Police Department   
and then with

SCAM ALERT: Carr Warns Georgians of Fake COVID-19 Websites, Texts and Emails

from my Facebook post. It was there! and and know WHO and WHERE.

With Thomaston P.D. and the Georgia Attorney General both warning the people instead of arresting anyone it is OUR turn.  You know someone who knows someone who knows someone who can find this person. Will you join a campaign to make virtual attacks like illegal? I don’t know how.

Why are we Victims? Because WE allow it? We have laws to protect us from everything. We need to Make creating/distributing a computer virus and creating/hosting website for scams both crimes THEN put the criminals down. It is a crime to attack someone! These are senior citizens who have faith in what they are told and see.  If a person is holding a smoking gun(the source of one of these) they are presumed guilty and could try to prove innocence.  

I have too much time. BUT The only laws/rules that I can find is ‘Know Your Rights!’ I Cannot find responsibilities anywhere. We need to define responsibility. Lets take all the Rights and just Amend the Responsibility Clause !?>- Comment if you agree that rights bring responsibilities. I just cannot believe that non-criminals believe in Rights without any Responsibility ! Maybe WE deserve what we get?

Why do we always need to be victims?
Will you join a campaign to make virtual attacks like illegal? I don’t know how. is real with a person behind it.

I found another thought. “If there can be laws that could govern the Internet, then. . .” This is why everything before got stuck. Rights and Responsibilities are for people not things. People use things; they are responsible for what they do. If a person hits another with a hammer you don’t say the hammer broke a law. There are no laws for the internet as there are no laws for hammers. ALSO the internet has no RIGHTS. Could it be this simple. FBI, Congresspeople, Donald T, Anyone out there. Protect us from People not things. Scams will go away? Target the People that do wrong! Your turn. >>>>>

Is this anon referring to QAnon? Related to 2017 – #WWG1WGA? The tweet included a video of a woman praising Trump’s approach to urban poverty and included the hashtag #WWG1WGA, which stands for the QAnon slogan “Where we go one, we go all.”? Is this scam somehow related to politics and President Trump? December 27 reporter says “President Donald Trump retweeted a video message on Friday morning with a hashtag referencing a fringe pro-Trump conspiracy theory known as QAnon.” Earlier this year, the FBI designated QAnon a possible domestic terrorism threat.


Tell me If I’m Wrong

That won’t happen because you have to read this before you can do that. And I don’t think anyone is. This morning I woke up and realized an amazing thing, ‘I cannot just catch the Coronavirus, some one must give it to me!’ Unlike a cold or flu (I think) that I can catch, sneak up on and infect myself, I have to have someone give it to me.

Historically I have caught many diseases as we all have throughout our lives. Have I really caught any or were they given to me. I think many of these diseases are caught. But I remember as a child being exposed to one at least to have my system build a defense against it. This is of course the purpose of a vaccination. Our body can be triggered to work on a small scale to get ready for a larger attack. Again, Tell me if I’m wrong . So far we cannot find a treatment to kill the virus or a vaccine that won’t kill us before it ‘works’. In the course of the disease is the natural thing that I cannot repeat the disease? So far I haven’t heard, I’ll have to look.

Soooo If the world had done the best thing when this pandemic started and isolated the first victim before we knew he was a victim the pandemic that is would never be? I think I’m right. Why else would people point a finger to China saying you let this thing loose?

Thus the need for testing. The theory would be ‘if WE can find all people capable of passing on the virus before they actually pass it on and cure them, let them recover or let them die, the spread would stop.’ I think I have heard the testing is not that good that stopping the spread is possible.

The impossible then is the only recourse. If we cannot find who, chose ALL and we are done. Again, Tell me if I’m wrong. We are asking all peoples to choose this course of action. And again this is impossible. So it is done to slow the spread down. It was never said because no one wants to be called stupid but I will because it reveals the nature of the pandemic. If we could chose ALL, we are done with it. Again, Tell me if I’m wrong.

WE THE PEOPLE, chose to let the pandemic run because we are weak and human and cannot accept the cure. The world has grown into a global community and as such community spread takes in the entire world. We cannot be blamed for this and we should not blame others. It the nature of the world at this time in history. Earlier in history this THING, Coronavirus, would have and maybe did enter the world in a spot, say China, and wipe out a community, an entire community, and then die out in 14 days. We look back and cannot figure it out because it is not in our history as it is now. It could have entered many times in the past in various forms and left us clueless.

In the wake of this pandemic keep history in mind: the history that is not remembered but could have been; the idea of Rights and responsibility that keeps us from stopping it this time: the in-fighting that takes our focus off the problem and solution: and hope that this time we have the opportunity to remember. Again, Tell me if I’m wrong. Please?


Isolation & Recovery

Goes under many different names: Shelter in Place, Stay-at-home, Stay Healthy, Stay-at-home, Stay Healthy at Home. All the plans have the 2 important goals.
1. Be in a position that will protect (minimize) your opportunity to be exposed to anyone with the coronavirus.
2. Stay in a place where you cannot (minimize) exposing others to anything you may have and not know!
This is very important since it was discovered that a person without symptoms can transmit the virus others.
The Tampa megachurch from the ‘Too Good to Miss’ post missed both points, the attendees were not verified Covid-free and after the service everyone left to resume normal contacts. The better scenario would have been 1 Test before the service. 2 Keep together for the duration as an isolation camp/retreat for religious activities. No one could fault any group for that schedule.
The captain of a nuclear aircraft carrier TR, Capt. Brett Crozier, probably felt responsible because he did not act soon enough to prevent the infection. Chief of Naval Operations, Adm. Mike Gilday,  told reporters it was unclear if sailors became infected following the ship’s previous port of call in early March to Da Nang, Vietnam. Gilday said they debated whether to go on with the Vietnam visit, but at the time there were only 16 coronavirus cases in northern Vietnam and the port was in the central part of the country. This was the mistake that, to me, is obvious in retrospect. At this time no one knew how easily the Covid-19 was spreading. Sailors were screened prior to returning on board. The first three sailors tested positive 15 days after leaving Vietnam. This is the 14 day isolation period the since been requested. Up to this point, assuming all new assignees were screened/tested, the TF was a perfect isolation case. All crew had been healthy for much more that 14 days already with no infection and all predictions point to the crew staying in that safe condition as long as necessary. In wartime this port-of-call would have most likely been skipped. The leave time off ship is an example of what opening the isolation can do. In our Stay-Safe actions at home, this continues to be the vulnerable time.

& Recovery?  An Explanation for we don’t know. Why don’t we know how many people have recovered from COVID-19 in Florida? One item that has not been included in any of the state’s reports: how many people in Florida have recovered from the coronavirus. That’s because the state is not measuring that statistic. “We do not currently measure “recovery,” and don’t expect to have such a designation anytime in the near future. Recovery can mean a lot of things — some countries say you’re recovered 14 days from infection even if you are still sick, or even dead, based on a computer algorithm that calculates the amount of time passed since a case is first reported. The very definition of recovery is a contested issue — are you recovered once you’re no longer symptomatic, or contagious, once you get a negative test result, or no longer require hospitalization? Are you ever “recovered” if you suffer long-term effects from having the virus? Until some of these issues and definitions are worked out at the local, state and national level, we will not be providing a metric for recovery.” 


Good, then not so much

The Florida governor has resisted issuing a statewide order of this kind up until this point more than 30 days after the first case of the virus was reported in Florida, but on Wednesday, as Florida’s coronavirus cases neared 7,000, including more than 80 dead, he said it was time. ORLANDO, Fla. — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis stressed again on Wednesday that he has no plans to issue a sweeping stay-at-home order in the Sunshine State to combat the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.

As of Friday morning, 4/3/2020, Florida confirmed cases surged past 9,000, with 144 dead.

Coronavirus: Friday – Florida governor issues statewide, 30-day stay-at-home order. The statewide stay-at-home order went into effect at 12:01 a.m. Friday. Residents will still be allowed to go out to get essential supplies, including food and groceries. THEN “To order someone not to be able to earn a paycheck when them going to work is not going to have any effect on what we’re doing with the virus, that is something that I think is inappropriate.”

States with stay-at-home orders, such as Virginia and Maryland, are requiring places of worship to limit in-person services to 10 people to comply with bans on large gatherings while adhering to physical distancing measures. Michigan, New Mexico, Delaware, Ohio, Texas and West Virginia also. I am so glad not to be an attendee of any Irresponsible group. Florida, Michigan, New Mexico, Delaware, Ohio, Texas and West Virginia allowing church services during coronavirus pandemic. Service – YES. Gathering – NO. Whimpy Whimpy Whimpy Wimpy Governors will be given responsibility for the spread. I hope the connection is made IF their numbers go up… No one really knows yet! When asked about the church continuing to stay open, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) warned that “any pastor who brings people together in close proximity to each other, a large group of people, is making a huge mistake.”

Update 4/10/2020, Good Friday, Florida confirmed cases 17,531, with 390 dead.



NOVEMBER 16, 2019, Day 0, The world was not aware that tomorrow people(at least 1) would be told of a great change that would be known over the entire World.

November 17, 2019, Day 1, The first case of someone suffering from Covid-19 was reported but unpublished in Chinese government data. Not for 54 days would China report the first death linked to the new coronavirus, 2019-nCoV also called COVID-19.

December 31, 2019, Day 45, A pneumonia of unknown cause was detected in Wuhan, China and reported to the WHO Country Office in China.

January 7, 2020, Day 52, China identifies new coronavirus as cause of the outbreak.

January 9, 2020, Day 54, China reports first death linked to the new coronavirus, 2019-nCoV.

January 13, 2020, Day 58, Thailand reports first imported case of 2019-nCoV.

January 18, 2020, Day 63, Chinese authorities report a spike in 2019-nCoV cases

January 20, 2020, Day 65, South Korea confirms its first case of 2019-nCoV.

January 21, 2020, Day 66, The first confirmed case of the virus in the US in Washington State.

April 5, 2020, Day 141, Palm Sunday.

April 12, 2020, Day 148, Easter


I call for a Responsibility Movement

NBC New Story SAYS
It is irresponsible to have people without water to wash!

‘It’s just despair’: Many Americans face coronavirus with no water to wash their hands. This is a quote from the online article by Erin Einhorn | NBC NEWS. “It should not have taken a pandemic to get them to realize that maybe no water in people’s houses is a public health issue,” one advocate said.
The city of Detroit shut off her water late last fall because of unpaid bills and a broken plumbing valve that she couldn’t afford to fix. Griffin, 55, was forced to rely on donated . . .”

Who is them and how did they force her?
I really feel bad that The Mean, Vindictive, People with the responsibility to do this to Her. She continues “Then the coronavirus hit. Governors and public health officials across the country ordered people to stay in their homes and — most importantly — (they ordered them) to wash their hands. But like millions of other people across the country who have their water shut off each year, Griffin can’t easily do that — and now she worries. . .”
As you can see, we have millions of other people who have no responsibility for their state of being. If the coronavirus had not hit, how did she and others plan to wash their hands?

I think that after over 60 years of having their Responsibilities taken from them it is time for a Responsibility Movement!

Return Responsibility to the People
Raise the Cry
Across the Nation

Rights to the People
Responsibility to the People
In the Family
In the Schools
In the Courts


My Corona

Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that range from the common cold to MERS coronavirus, which is Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus and SARs, Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus.
Coronaviruses are named for their appearance: Under the microscope, the viruses look like they are covered with pointed structures that surround them like a corona, or crown.
Human Coronavirus Types
There are four main sub-groupings of coronaviruses, known as alpha, beta, gamma, and delta. Human coronaviruses were first identified in the mid-1960s. The seven coronaviruses that can infect people are:

  • 229E (alpha coronavirus)
  • NL63 (alpha coronavirus)
  • OC43 (beta coronavirus)
  • HKU1 (beta coronavirus)
  • MERS-CoV (the beta coronavirus that causes Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or MERS)
  • SARS-CoV (the beta coronavirus that causes Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS)
  • SARS-CoV-2 (the novel coronavirus that causes coronavirus disease 2019, or COVID-19)
  • People around the world commonly get infected with human coronaviruses 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1. Sometimes coronaviruses that infect animals can evolve and make people sick and become a new human coronavirus. Three recent examples of this are SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and now SARS-CoV-2.

    I found this online

    History and Recent Advances in Coronavirus Discovery

    Jeffrey S. Kahn, MD, PhD,* and Kenneth McIntosh, MD†
    (Pediatr Infect Dis J 2005;24: S223–S227)

    some interesting information.  Here is the abstract.

    “Abstract: Human coronaviruses, first characterized in the 1960s, are responsible for a substantial proportion of upper respiratory tract infections in children. Since 2003, at least 5 new human coronaviruses have been identified, including the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus, which caused significant morbidity and mortality. NL63, representing a group of newly identified group I coronaviruses that includes NL and the New Haven coronavirus, has been identified worldwide. These viruses are associated with both upper and lower respiratory tract disease and are likely common human pathogens. The global distribution of a newly identified group II coronavirus, HKU1, has not yet been established. Coronavirology has advanced significantly in the past few years. The SARS epidemic put the animal coronaviruses in the spotlight. The background and history relative to this important and expanding research area are reviewed here.”
