Too Good To Miss

Two Fox News About the same thing
Tampa megachurch crowded with worshipers despite social distancing orders
Tampa megachurch pastor arrested after leading packed services despite ‘safer-at-home’ orders say

Tampa megachurch pastor Thinks He (his church) is More important than the Government (us).

From the second article. — Howard-Browne’s attorney took issue with the Hillsborough County “safer at home” order and the charges brought against his client, adding the county allows companies like Amazon to operate while shutting down churches. The attorney obviously does not use Amazon if he thinks they use Hugh crowds to make deliveries. I think that the 500 in attendance should be arrested and quarantine, at least, during the pandemic. It will be hard to keep 500 people 6 feet apart! maybe sedated!
“His reckless disregard for human life put hundreds of people in his congregation at risk and thousands of residents who may interact with them this week in danger,” Sheriff Chad Chronister said at a press conference Monday afternoon. “They have access to technology allowing them to live stream their services over the internet and broadcast to their 400 members from the safety of their own homes, but instead they chose to gather at church.”
I Am Sorry, but I have a bug–Not Covid-19– The church also wrote the following statement on their website: “We feel that it would be wrong for us to close our doors on them, at this time, or any time. In a time of crisis, people are fearful and in need of comfort and community.” They were not told close. No church was told to close! Were YOU told to close? Just don’t have a gathering for Church Service And On Sunday, Howard-Browne defended his decision to keep the church open in a video posted to his YouTube channel, claiming the building had the technology to eradicate any virus. “We brought in 13 machines that basically kill every virus in the place,” Howard-Browne said. “If they sneeze it shoots it down like at 100 miles per hour and it will neutralize it in a split second.” Then KEEP them there. Was that offered? Don’t turn them lose on US. It sounds like they have as GOOD as the hospitals but they don’t let you leave to spread things around. You cannot just visit. or can you? But some were offered a free bus ride. Were the machines on the buss? If they were infected before the service did the machine cure them? NOW That’s faith in a Machine!
“Not only did the church comply with the administrative order regarding six-foot distancing, it went above and beyond any other business to ensure the health and safety of the people,” insisted Liberty Counsel founder and chairman Mat Staver. I know that their Place is big but 500 people standing 6 ft apart? I DON’T BELEIVE IT. He means — Their S..t don’t stink. This is another case of Rights vs Responsibilites. Please Notice how many words, concepts, ideas, are mentioned below when the only ISSUE is in blue “Contrary to Sheriff Chronister’s allegation that Pastor Howard-Browne was ‘reckless,’” the actions of Hillsborough Country and the Hernando County Sheriff are discriminatory against religion and church gatherings.”
