Isolation & Recovery

Goes under many different names: Shelter in Place, Stay-at-home, Stay Healthy, Stay-at-home, Stay Healthy at Home. All the plans have the 2 important goals.
1. Be in a position that will protect (minimize) your opportunity to be exposed to anyone with the coronavirus.
2. Stay in a place where you cannot (minimize) exposing others to anything you may have and not know!
This is very important since it was discovered that a person without symptoms can transmit the virus others.
The Tampa megachurch from the ‘Too Good to Miss’ post missed both points, the attendees were not verified Covid-free and after the service everyone left to resume normal contacts. The better scenario would have been 1 Test before the service. 2 Keep together for the duration as an isolation camp/retreat for religious activities. No one could fault any group for that schedule.
The captain of a nuclear aircraft carrier TR, Capt. Brett Crozier, probably felt responsible because he did not act soon enough to prevent the infection. Chief of Naval Operations, Adm. Mike Gilday,  told reporters it was unclear if sailors became infected following the ship’s previous port of call in early March to Da Nang, Vietnam. Gilday said they debated whether to go on with the Vietnam visit, but at the time there were only 16 coronavirus cases in northern Vietnam and the port was in the central part of the country. This was the mistake that, to me, is obvious in retrospect. At this time no one knew how easily the Covid-19 was spreading. Sailors were screened prior to returning on board. The first three sailors tested positive 15 days after leaving Vietnam. This is the 14 day isolation period the since been requested. Up to this point, assuming all new assignees were screened/tested, the TF was a perfect isolation case. All crew had been healthy for much more that 14 days already with no infection and all predictions point to the crew staying in that safe condition as long as necessary. In wartime this port-of-call would have most likely been skipped. The leave time off ship is an example of what opening the isolation can do. In our Stay-Safe actions at home, this continues to be the vulnerable time.

& Recovery?  An Explanation for we don’t know. Why don’t we know how many people have recovered from COVID-19 in Florida? One item that has not been included in any of the state’s reports: how many people in Florida have recovered from the coronavirus. That’s because the state is not measuring that statistic. “We do not currently measure “recovery,” and don’t expect to have such a designation anytime in the near future. Recovery can mean a lot of things — some countries say you’re recovered 14 days from infection even if you are still sick, or even dead, based on a computer algorithm that calculates the amount of time passed since a case is first reported. The very definition of recovery is a contested issue — are you recovered once you’re no longer symptomatic, or contagious, once you get a negative test result, or no longer require hospitalization? Are you ever “recovered” if you suffer long-term effects from having the virus? Until some of these issues and definitions are worked out at the local, state and national level, we will not be providing a metric for recovery.” 
