They Stole My Election

This Post Reflects information taken from this article by JEFFREY LORD. Please read the entire article to see the context.

It may be true.”Philadelphia did in fact keep poll watchers out.” The ‘Poll Watches’ are appointed as such from applicants and are officials.

Look at the ‘If’ part of the next claim – “If no social distancing is OK for social justice protests and election celebrations, then no social distancing is most certainly OK for poll watchers.” AGREED but not accepted. It is not OK!

Then look at this which negates the first argument and upholds the second, Not OK. “Quite clearly, once allowed into the polling place they were told they had to stand six feet away from the person doing the counting.”

 And then the last claim that – “Plain old-fashioned common sense says there is no way in the world anyone can thoroughly examine a ballot from six feet away.” And, Oh Boy, is that true! No ONE ‘thoroughly examines my ballot’ after I mark it and put it in the ballot box. How Stupid. And I stopped reading.

With early voting underway in a growing number of states and Donald Trump talking about a “rigged” election and warning about what he says will be voter fraud, there have been significant discussions about “poll watchers,” and concerns that certain individuals may try to intimidate their fellow voters.

But what are the rules governing polling places and poll watchers?

As it turns out, the US Constitution gives states the power to regulate the “time, place, and manner” of elections — which means, in practical terms, that most of the rules governing voting and polling places are made at the state level — and can therefore vary widely from one jurisdiction to the next

The general idea behind poll watchers is that they help promote transparency and openness — not through their actions so much as by simply being in the room. Most states (and the District of Columbia) allow at least some kind of observer in polling places, but the rules for how poll watchers are picked (and by whom) vary from state to state. 

1) Who/what is a poll watcher and why do states allow them?

Most importantly, poll watchers are not just individuals who show up at the precinct on Election Day; virtually every jurisdiction requires that official poll watchers be identified and approved in advance—usually at least two weeks beforehand. And to avoid conflicts of interest or the potential for implicit intimidation, most states do not allow otherwise eligible law enforcement officers or state officials to serve as poll watchers.

2) What are poll watchers allowed to do? What can’t they do?

As the name suggests, poll watchers are generally expected to watch what happens in individual polling places and not play an especially active role in the actual voting process.

Poll watchers generally have two functions: Ensuring that all votes cast in that polling place are counted correctly and reporting suspected irregularities to local officials, be it the poll workers at the polling place, the election board or some other body. This last point is the potential source for controversy, because most states’ laws allow poll watchers to challenge individual voters’ right to vote — not directly, but through the poll workers — which has provoked concerns about poll watchers trying to intimidate voters.

5) What should you do if a poll watcher or someone else at your polling place acts in a manner that you believe is inappropriate?

They wisely do not allow fire arms in a polling place. Enough Said.
