The massive oil distribution network, which delivers nearly half of the fuel used on the Eastern seaboard, was targeted by Russian hackers Friday, May 7, 2021, helping contribute to an overall hike in prices at the pump.
Fuel resumed moving through the Colonial Pipeline late Wednesday afternoon, easing worries about fuel shortages five days after hackers strangled the massive oil pipeline through the South.
The hack left many stations out of gas, motorists panicked and sent prices soaring.
It is time for truth instead of HYPE. The prices for a gallon of Gasoline did not rise by itself. The stations raised prices because they could. The gas stations, owned by people like you, raised them! A few motorists panicked, some did not even know about the hack, the rest of us became mad because others clogged the pumps to buy higher priced gasoline!
AND THEY LAUGH AT US. If we know who did this why not stop them. I don’t mean stop them the next time! I mean this time. Is what they did illegal? Did they break any law? Can we “shoot back”? Are they smarter than we are? They know something we don’t! This paradigm must be changed?
Blame verb: assign responsibility for a fault or wrong. “the inquiry blamed the engineer for the accident”
My entire life has been controlled by this single Idea and I never understood the reason that it is important to me and the world. In the definition above we see what it is. We need to understand why it is important. I was awed when I realized the main word in the definition is ‘responsibility’. I was amazed that the second most important word is ‘assign’. I was not impressed with the remainder of the definition; why would human being be interested in responsibility for anything except bad things?
In previous posts we looked at responsibility. Why? I felt it was so they could think more deeply about what they were about to do! Now I think it was so I could feel justified to blame a person for what was done wrongly.
We have been in a pandemic from a virus blamed on the Chinese.
Racism toward Blacks is blamed on Whites.
Asians are blamed for anything bad.
And it goes on and on and on.
Blame has become an end in itself. But in many religions it should be the beginning. What is next?
In the lord’s pray — and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. — But we haven’t yet! And that is the question and the answer!
Down on the corner of ruin and grace
I’m growin weary of the human race
Hold my lamp up in everyone’s face
Lookin for an honest man!
Everyone tied to the turnin wheel
Everyone hidin from the things they feel
Well the truth’s so hard it just don’t seem real
The shadow across this land
People ’round here don’t know what it means
To suffer at the hands of our american dreams
They turn their backs on the grisly scenes
Traced to the privileged sons
They got their god they got their guns
Got their armies and the chosen ones
But we ll all be burnin in the same big sun
When the great correction comes
Down through the ages lovers of the mystery
Poets and sages all throughout history
Say the light burns brightest in the darkest times
It’s the bitter end we’ve come down to
The eye of the needle that we gotta get through
But the end could be the start of something new
When the great correction comes
Down through the ages .
Down to the wire runnin’ out of time
Still got hope in this heart of mine
But the future waits on the horizon line
For our daughters and our sons
I don’t know where this train’s bound
Whole lotta people tryin to turn it around
Gonna shout til the walls come tumblin down
And the great correction comes
Don’t let me down
When the great correction comes
The definition of life has long been a challenge for scientists and philosophers, with many varied definitions put forward.[16][17][18] This is partially because life is a process, not a substance.[19][20][21] This is complicated by a lack of knowledge of the characteristics of living entities, if any, that may have developed outside of Earth.[22][23] Philosophical definitions of life have also been put forward, with similar difficulties on how to distinguish living things from the non-living.[24] Legal definitions of life have also been described and debated, though these generally focus on the decision to declare a human dead, and the legal ramifications of this decision.[25] As many as 123 definitions of life have been compiled.[26] One definition seems to be favored by NASA: “a self-sustaining chemical system capable of Darwinian evolution.”[27][28]
The lack of knowledge of the characteristics of living entities does not prevent us from assuming 1 characteristic for our basis. The process is aware. The process does respond. Any entity responds but what we mean here is the process responds. If you push a rock it moves. If you expose metal to oxygen it rusts. This is the entity not the process. The process is missing. The life is missing. When we look for life, we look for this additional response. It’s presence indicates life in some form. The problem is not seeing it does not mean absence of life, only the absence of a sighting.
Don’t just change without knowing and understanding WHY it got this way!
Why in the World did anyone ever become Racist? A new born is not aware of itself therefore there is no OTHER to compare with so Race means nothing. It is selfish because that is all it knows. If you look and see the developmental progress there first becomes ‘other’ and then ‘other that is alive’, then ‘alive that helps me’, because I need. A little latter comes ‘Hurt’ and then ‘Fear’.
If you have forgotten this you can never understand ‘Racism’, ‘White Privilege’, ‘White Supremacy’, or any other flavor of ‘Supremacy’. The dictionary proposes that Supremacy is: 1. the state of being supreme. and 2. supreme authority or power. This centers on the first and the most important ‘Person’ in the definition. The first, the powerful, the best. A little thought would provide the idea that ‘the other’ is the real cause, or excuse, or need of any such word, idea, or concept. Without ‘the other’ there would be none of this. AND the emotion that is alive here is FEAR. Don’t get me wrong. It is not fear of an individual. It is not fear of a group. It is not even fear of ‘the other’ from our developmental time. It is fear of what ‘the other’ means or could mean or might mean or HAS meant and it is a ‘Concrete Background Memory’. Society does not usually retain this type of ‘thing’ as long as it has endured in America concerning ‘Black’ people. I feel, personally, that this is because the basic cause, or excuse, or need has never gone away.
To affect any of these you must effect a change in ‘the other’ memory that supports it. The memory that ‘I may not be safe from . . .’ has never been attacked and removed. OR even targeted. Locations that do not retain this memory or never developed this memory currently do not experience this Racism or a milder form, Prejudice. But be assured that this feeling against ‘the other’ is everywhere. Where this is a problem, the memory of the cause, or excuse, or need must be resolved to allow the ‘…ism’ to die a nature death.
As an example, in our local area there is a place called Rock Dale. When the region was settled this beautiful area was selected by a single group of German immigrants. As more immigrants came thru, the German speaking portion felt safe and comfortable. The Rock Dale expanded and grew a reputation.
There as also a beautiful area called Rocky Bottoms that was settled by Black immigrants from Southern Plantations when they were free to move north away from slavery that had lasted for several generations. The Rocky Bottoms expanded and grew a reputation.
The scenario played out in every town, city, area and settlement in every continent and country and in the US. It was and is not restricted because it is a natural spread of information. It only becomes a problem if natural change does not follow. Integration of diverse backgrounds does happen. The reputation becomes bad. And the reputation becomes attached to the people and not the place! Once this becomes attached to the people it spread with out limit and does not even require the place at all! When that people is a Race of People the effect is Racism. What started with a Rock Dale or a Rocky Bottoms is now everywhere.
Let’s not get confused or hung-up on details. The cause of the many instances of this Fear-Based condition comes in many shapes and forms and in many different degrees. It is the basis for Racism, Terrorism, Police-abuse, and even travel bands to areas of town or the World.
To pick one of these, such as Black Racism, and say it must be stopped without addressing the underlining causes (because there are usually many) is like pissing into the wind. It is difficult, messy, and not satisfying in the end. We need to correct the cause; replace the bad experiences with good ones; fix what caused the FEAR of the OTHER; remember that several good experiences do not negate many bad experiences. It must die not be killer.
I will continue this as soon as I figure it out! If ever!
The popular election is over. Now what? In a report at
An objection to a state’s electoral vote must be approved by both houses in order for any contested votes to be excluded.
If one of the tickets has received a majority of 270 or more electoral votes, the Vice President announces the results, which “shall be deemed a sufficient declaration of the persons, if any, elected President and Vice President.” If not 270 votes for a ticket, Congress is in charge and results are determined. This has happened several times in history. The president is not elected until congress accepts the results?
For additional information, see CRS Report RL32717, Counting Electoral Votes: An Overview of Procedures at the Joint Session, Including Objections by Members of Congress, coordinated by Elizabeth Rybicki and L. Paige Whitaker.
A Look from a Distance.Sometimes what we see is wrong but the need for safety from a perceived danger is ingrained in DNA from developing times. Danger is a personal feeling; Danger is a Personal attack. Being attacked requires Defending ourself. If/when the ability is present, return the attack. Flee, Fight, be confused and do nothing. Our survival has become complicated!
The first response to an attack is to assume the condition/action is Personal. And that is natural.
Levels of Battlefields
And not even close to correct in the CURRENT Times. The threat is most likely to our existence at a future time but made in such a manor require a personal response right now. Here are some examples:
What I remember verifies this account so I’ll keep it here.
What’s the Real History of Black Friday?
The retail bonanza known as Black Friday is now an integral part of many Thanksgiving celebrations, but this holiday tradition has darker roots than you might imagine.
The first recorded use of the term “Black Friday” was applied not to holiday shopping but to financial crisis: specifically, the crash of the U.S. gold market on September 24, 1869. Two notoriously ruthless Wall Street financiers, Jay Gould and Jim Fisk, worked together to buy up as much as they could of the nation’s gold, hoping to drive the price sky-high and sell it for astonishing profits. On that Friday in September, the conspiracy finally unraveled, sending the stock market into free-fall and bankrupting everyone from Wall Street barons to farmers.
The most commonly repeated story behind the post-Thanksgiving shopping-related Black Friday tradition links it to retailers. As the story goes, after an entire year of operating at a loss (“in the red”) stores would supposedly earn a profit (“went into the black”) on the day after Thanksgiving, because holiday shoppers blew so much money on discounted merchandise. Though it’s true that retail companies used to record losses in red and profits in black when doing their accounting, this version of Black Friday’s origin is the officially sanctioned—but inaccurate—story behind the tradition.
In recent years, another myth has surfaced that gives a particularly ugly twist to the tradition, claiming that back in the 1800s Southern plantation owners could buy slaves at a discount on the day after Thanksgiving. Though this version of Black Friday’s roots has understandably led some to call for a boycott of the retail holiday, it has no basis in fact.
The true story behind Black Friday, however, is not as sunny as retailers might have you believe. Back in the 1950s, police in the city of Philadelphia used the term to describe the chaos that ensued on the day after Thanksgiving, when hordes of suburban shoppers and tourists flooded into the city in advance of the big Army-Navy football game held on that Saturday every year. Not only would Philly cops not be able to take the day off, but they would have to work extra-long shifts dealing with the additional crowds and traffic. Shoplifters would also take advantage of the bedlam in stores to make off with merchandise, adding to the law enforcement headache.
By 1961, “Black Friday” had caught on in Philadelphia, to the extent that the city’s merchants and boosters tried unsuccessfully to change it to “Big Friday” in order to remove the negative connotations. The term didn’t spread to the rest of the country until much later, however, and as recently as 1985 it wasn’t in common use nationwide. Sometime in the late 1980s, however, retailers found a way to reinvent Black Friday and turn it into something that reflected positively, rather than negatively, on them and their customers. The result was the “red to black” concept of the holiday mentioned earlier, and the notion that the day after Thanksgiving marked the occasion when America’s stores finally turned a profit. (In fact, stores traditionally see bigger sales on the Saturday before Christmas.)
The Black Friday story stuck, and pretty soon the term’s darker roots in Philadelphia were largely forgotten. Since then, the one-day sales bonanza has morphed into a four-day event, and spawned other “retail holidays” such as Small Business Saturday/Sunday and Cyber Monday. Stores started opening earlier and earlier on that Friday, and now the most dedicated shoppers can head out right after their Thanksgiving meal.
A Visual History of Black Friday: From Financial Crash to Shopping Mania
This Post Reflects information taken from this articleby JEFFREY LORD. Please read the entire article to see the context. “”
It may be true.”Philadelphia did in fact keep poll watchers out.” The ‘Poll Watches’ are appointed as such from applicants and are officials.
Look at the ‘If’ part of the next claim – “If no social distancing is OK for social justice protests and election celebrations, then no social distancing is most certainly OK for poll watchers.” AGREED but not accepted. It is not OK!
Then look at this which negates the first argument and upholds the second, Not OK. “Quite clearly, once allowed into the polling place they were told they had to stand six feet away from the person doing the counting.”
And then the last claim that – “Plain old-fashioned common sense says there is no way in the world anyone can thoroughly examine a ballot from six feet away.” And, Oh Boy, is that true! No ONE ‘thoroughly examines my ballot’ after I mark it and put it in the ballot box. How Stupid. And I stopped reading.
With early voting underway in a growing number of states and Donald Trump talking about a “rigged” election and warning about what he says will be voter fraud, there have been significant discussions about “poll watchers,” and concerns that certain individuals may try to intimidate their fellow voters.
But what are the rules governing polling places and poll watchers?
As it turns out, the US Constitution gives states the power to regulate the “time, place, and manner” of elections — which means, in practical terms, that most of the rules governing voting and polling places are made at the state level — and can therefore vary widely from one jurisdiction to the next
The general idea behind poll watchers is that they help promote transparency and openness — not through their actions so much as by simply being in the room. Most states (and the District of Columbia) allow at least some kind of observer in polling places, but the rules for how poll watchers are picked (and by whom) vary from state to state.
1) Who/what is a poll watcher and why do states allow them?
Most importantly, poll watchers are not just individuals who show up at the precinct on Election Day; virtually every jurisdiction requires that official poll watchers be identified and approved in advance—usually at least two weeks beforehand. And to avoid conflicts of interest or the potential for implicit intimidation, most states do not allow otherwise eligible law enforcement officers or state officials to serve as poll watchers.
2) What are poll watchers allowed to do? What can’t they do?
As the name suggests, poll watchers are generally expected to watch what happens in individual polling places and not play an especially active role in the actual voting process.
Poll watchers generally have two functions: Ensuring that all votes cast in that polling place are counted correctly and reporting suspected irregularities to local officials, be it the poll workers at the polling place, the election board or some other body. This last point is the potential source for controversy, because most states’ laws allow poll watchers to challenge individual voters’ right to vote — not directly, but through the poll workers — which has provoked concerns about poll watchers trying to intimidate voters.
5) What should you do if a poll watcher or someone else at your polling place acts in a manner that you believe is inappropriate?
They wisely do not allow fire arms in a polling place. Enough Said.
A number of influential commentators who firmly opposed Donald Trump in 2016 recently announced their intention to vote for him in 2020.
But the fact is that Trump presents a much greater danger to key constitutional values, and does more than anyone else to lend apparent credibility to extreme forms of protest as well as an unremittingly negative appraisal of America. Voting for Trump to stem the rising tide of illiberalism is about as pure an example of cutting off your nose to spite your face as political life can afford.