Good, then not so much

The Florida governor has resisted issuing a statewide order of this kind up until this point more than 30 days after the first case of the virus was reported in Florida, but on Wednesday, as Florida’s coronavirus cases neared 7,000, including more than 80 dead, he said it was time. ORLANDO, Fla. — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis stressed again on Wednesday that he has no plans to issue a sweeping stay-at-home order in the Sunshine State to combat the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.

As of Friday morning, 4/3/2020, Florida confirmed cases surged past 9,000, with 144 dead.

Coronavirus: Friday – Florida governor issues statewide, 30-day stay-at-home order. The statewide stay-at-home order went into effect at 12:01 a.m. Friday. Residents will still be allowed to go out to get essential supplies, including food and groceries. THEN “To order someone not to be able to earn a paycheck when them going to work is not going to have any effect on what we’re doing with the virus, that is something that I think is inappropriate.”

States with stay-at-home orders, such as Virginia and Maryland, are requiring places of worship to limit in-person services to 10 people to comply with bans on large gatherings while adhering to physical distancing measures. Michigan, New Mexico, Delaware, Ohio, Texas and West Virginia also. I am so glad not to be an attendee of any Irresponsible group. Florida, Michigan, New Mexico, Delaware, Ohio, Texas and West Virginia allowing church services during coronavirus pandemic. Service – YES. Gathering – NO. Whimpy Whimpy Whimpy Wimpy Governors will be given responsibility for the spread. I hope the connection is made IF their numbers go up… No one really knows yet! When asked about the church continuing to stay open, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) warned that “any pastor who brings people together in close proximity to each other, a large group of people, is making a huge mistake.”

Update 4/10/2020, Good Friday, Florida confirmed cases 17,531, with 390 dead.



NOVEMBER 16, 2019, Day 0, The world was not aware that tomorrow people(at least 1) would be told of a great change that would be known over the entire World.

November 17, 2019, Day 1, The first case of someone suffering from Covid-19 was reported but unpublished in Chinese government data. Not for 54 days would China report the first death linked to the new coronavirus, 2019-nCoV also called COVID-19.

December 31, 2019, Day 45, A pneumonia of unknown cause was detected in Wuhan, China and reported to the WHO Country Office in China.

January 7, 2020, Day 52, China identifies new coronavirus as cause of the outbreak.

January 9, 2020, Day 54, China reports first death linked to the new coronavirus, 2019-nCoV.

January 13, 2020, Day 58, Thailand reports first imported case of 2019-nCoV.

January 18, 2020, Day 63, Chinese authorities report a spike in 2019-nCoV cases

January 20, 2020, Day 65, South Korea confirms its first case of 2019-nCoV.

January 21, 2020, Day 66, The first confirmed case of the virus in the US in Washington State.

April 5, 2020, Day 141, Palm Sunday.

April 12, 2020, Day 148, Easter


I Have Responsibility

Updated 4/13/2020
In an article – More than 100 additional U.S. sailors aboard a coronavirus-stricken aircraft carrier stuck in Guam have tested positive for the virus, the Navy said. The sailor, who tested positive for COVID-19 last month, was reportedly found unresponsive while in isolation. Then Sailor From USS Theodore Roosevelt Dies From Covid-19
In an article “The Pacific commander, Admiral Davidson, ordered that ship into Vietnam for a port visit in a peacetime environment, knowing full well and having the intelligence, capacity, and capability resident in his command to know the jeopardy that he was putting that ship in,” he stated.
In an article – Acting Navy Secretary Thomas Modly appeared to worsen the situation when he gave a surprise speech to sailors on the USS Theodore Roosevelt and called ousted Captain Brett Cozier “too naïve or too stupid” to be a commanding officer of a ship like this, Reuters reported.
In an article – Acting Navy Secretary Thomas Modly resigned on Tuesday, a day after leaked audio revealed he called the ousted commander of the USS Theodore Roosevelt “stupid”in an address to the ship’s crew. Modly’s resignation comes a little more than a week after Capt. Brett Crozier, the then-commanding officer of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, sent a memo warning of coronavirus. In his resignation letter, Modly did not mention the controversy but later apologized to the whole of the Navy for the incident in a memo. “More than anything, I owe every member of the Navy and Marine Corps team a lifetime of gratitude for the opportunity to serve for them, and with them, once again. They are the reason why I will forever remain inspired by the call of service. They are the ones who lift our nation, heal our divides, and make this country the greatest in the history of the world,” Modly wrote in his resignation letter.
In an article – The captain relieved of command of the USS Theodore Roosevelt after warning of an outbreak of the coronavirus on his ship has tested positive for the virus, a U.S. defense official told Fox News on Sunday.

Original Post Below

In an article I found March 31, 2020 the captain of a nuclear aircraft carrier, Capt. Brett Crozier, with more than 100 sailors infected with the coronavirus pleaded Monday with U.S. Navy officials for resources to allow isolation of his entire crew and avoid possible deaths in a situation he described as quickly deteriorating.
In the four-page letter to senior military officials, Crozier said only a small contingent of infected sailors have been off-boarded. Most of the crew remain aboard the ship, where following official guidelines for 14-day quarantines and social distancing is impossible.

Please read the entire article for the details. This is an example of someone realizing the responsibility that he has and doing what is necessary. The results may not be good but I agree that the outcome of saving lives instead of unnecessarily losing them is the less bad.

I salute Capt. Brett Crozier for his bravery and concern for his command. When resources are needed you get them!

I found the fallout article on April 2, 2020 The Navy announced it has relieved the captain who sounded the alarm about an outbreak of COVID-19 aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt. I do not believe that the crew has lost trust and confidence in this captain. If he will do this in peacetime he will do what it takes in wartime!

Teddy Roosevelt’s great-grandson weighs in on dismissal of Navy captain: ‘Crozier is a hero’

Captain Brett Crozier: Standing Tall For His Sailors. Such send offs are not typical for officers who have been fired. The problem may continue. Admiral James Stravridis, a former commander of NATO, wrote in email to the San Francisco Chronicle, “we should expect more such incidents because warships are a perfect breeding ground for coronavirus.”
“What’s more, we are very concerned about the chilling effect this dismissal will have on commanders throughout the Department of Defense,” “Dismissing a commanding officer for speaking out on issues critical to the safety of those under their command, discourages others from raising similar concerns.” One does not rise to the rank of the captain of a carrier without playing by the rules. Crozier is an accomplished pilot and a naval officer. Crozier put those under his command first, and his commanders second. That is a choice that civilians would embrace. The first duty of a commander is to put the needs of troops first. He or she must, at times, put them into harm’s way; that is the nature of the military.  At the same time, putting them in harm’s way when not at war seems unwise.  Modly’s sacking of Crozier echoes the firing of his predecessor.

Updated 5/9/20. USS Theodore Roosevelt Outbreak Is Linked to Flight Crews, Not Vietnam Visit . Bottom Line. As the Navy investigates the outbreak of the coronavirus, officials say they may never learn its true origins. “We just don’t know,” one official said.


I missed it :

We must now have the RIGHT to have NO RESPONSIBILITIES?

Dr Trump on March 30,2020 demonstrates the importances of having a medical degree. and on Match 19,2020 Dr Trump gives advice on drugs and testing.  

In the first article, the reporter writes It’s a classic case of the blind leading the blind, with potentially dire consequences should the drugs prove to be hazardous when used in this unintended way. and quotes Trump as saying “I feel good about it,” Trump said of the unproven drugs, which his own medical experts have said may not be suitable for coronavirus patients. “That’s all it is, just a feeling, you know, smart guy. I feel good about it.”  
In the second article it is reported that Trump grew defensive when asked about his decision Wednesday to activate the Defense Authorization Act, which gives him expanded authority for wartime emergencies, but not to use it to improve ventilator capacity at hospitals, shifting the burden of responsibility to the states.. I missed that activation thing too.  
We have lost the Responsibility for what we say. I am sorry that the examples given here are all from President Trump. Other posts point out BAD or MISS LEADING statements from many people trying to promote their cause or standing at the expense of truth and accuracy. We as a people have grown to expect this type of lie from everyone.  If we believe what is said it seems to be because  it promotes our view or cause or standing. Otherwise we just don’t believe it and leave it at that.
We hear or say: He didn’t know. He misunderstood.  He should have check. It’s not his fault.  So Sad!
