Our Attitude

The Average Attitude has Changed

Do you remember in High School, we did some strange things with attitude. One instance we moved a teachers VW from the street parking 30 yd. to a place next to the building. There was no damage to the car and we even had to move it back after we told the teacher. The only reprisal “don’t tell anyone.”

Today in a parking lot, someone I do not know open their door wide enough to reach  my car next to it and dent and scrape the finished. If I thought it would change anything I would make it a project to surveil my car with the target of finding one of the careless people, driver or passenger, and confront them. What could happen from this?

My point of this is reprisals. It is the reason for ‘bad’ things that happen on purpose. There are careless people, fact. Some are careless on purpose. This is part of the cascade that is hurting our World. It has to stop. God stopped it with a flood. That did not work. The Gift of Knowledge has turned into the Curse of Knowledge.

Use The Gift to Remove The Curse!!!


The attack has begun

This is an example of a text message received on my phone. The website udsgxz.com is registered in Kuala Lumpur MY.  How are we to be protected from this invasion into our phone system?  How can we retaliate for this invasion.

Some of the recipients may actually be expecting a usps package and feel obliged to complete the address. I am not sure what damage could be done with a telephone number and address? What else will they try to get from the website interaction?


Another Target

It has already begun.

Subject: A Message from Harbor Freight about Email Scams
Reply-To: Harbor Freight Tools <reply@em.harborfreight.com>
Watch Out for Email Scams
Recently, we’ve heard from many of you about email scams. The criminals behind these scams are sending emails that look like they were sent by Harbor Freight or another company using realistic logos and other features designed to trick you so they can steal your information or your money. Typically, their emails ask you to complete a survey or fill out a form, and in return, they promise to send you something for free. These emails are NOT from Harbor Freight, and the criminals who send them did NOT get your email address from us.

We want you to know about these scams so you can protect yourself and your personal information. Here are a few tips to help you avoid email scams:

  • Be suspicious of any email that asks for any of your personal information, any credit card number, or any password or account information
  • Look for spelling or grammar errors – email scams are often poorly written
  • Review the actual email address from the sender – scam emails often come from unusual addresses.

While Harbor Freight does occasionally send out surveys to help us serve you better, we will NEVER ask you for your credit card number or address in exchange for completing a survey.

Please be careful with your financial and personal data, and if you receive a scam email that looks like it came from Harbor Freight, please forward it to: reportascam@harborfreight.com.

Thank you,
Harbor Freight Support Team


The Wild West is back


The wild west of old American History is virtually back!

The Open Door era of our borders is virtually here!

The fact is our virtual borders have never existed.  They have never been protected.  Our citizens who move on to the virtual sphere are possible victims for all kinds of crime!

Henry Repeating Arms,
Springfield Armory,
Sharps, Gatling

When Americans protected themselves the did not do it with vests and shields to stop the bullets and let the predators keep up the assault . The industry saw the market and supplied the weapons to fire back.

The WWW means the Wild Wild West is back. There are NO laws!?  There is only access. Do you really think that the predators of the WWW are Americans because you live in America?  Do you think they are English because you live in England?

Do you think the Police, who protect us, are doing ‘all we can do’ because they are doing ‘something’? They are doing nothing and that is all they can do and it is ‘nothing’!

The call to action: Create and supply the Weapon needed in the WWW to STOP the predator and protect ourselves!


The Box

Think outside the box. But Remember, When all is over, All goes b a c k in the box.

I started this post in September 2022. Thinking about a sermon. The topic was concerning Life as all sermon’s basic topic seems to be. I think this was really about afterlife. Now it is February 2023. I have been told that last 10 years could have been different.

Don’t see the wrong point here. Every path I have taken had another path just as possible. At each divide in the path I make the choice as good as possible based on what I know at the time. Some have been less than perfect looking back. One was very bad but was the result of many seemingly small paths choices. Tragic, complex.

The change that I see now puts a different goal on the sermon. I do not see it as ‘A Death Thing’. I see that I can conclude that at times in our life we need to say that the conditions in life change to a point that ‘When all is over‘ is now! It is at this time that ‘All goes b a c k in the box‘. And, as an added joy, I can put the lid on the box too.


I am the Problem

And so are you

Genesis 1:31 – God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning —the sixth day.

Then Genesis 2:1-3 – Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array. By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.

Let’s look at Genesis 2:7 – Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

God said in Genesis 2:16 – And the LORD God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”

Now this is where I feel that I am not in this story. I feel that my history is someplace else. It has taken my entire life up to now to feel that this is true. The Bible is the Word Of God. From the 4th verse of Genesis This is the History and Story of the people based on Adam. I now feel that there is a History and a Story based on another people. Not even the Peoples in this history that are not of this story’s first Man made from the dust of the ground. My History, as I feel it, merges with this in the New Testament.


Due or past due

Due and past due

Is it possible that something is both?

What is due and what is past due

It is March 2 2022.
This Bill was post on Feb 28.
The previous Bill was posted on Feb 24.
The Due Date on both Bills is March 12.
How does an obligation that is due in 2 weeks change to past due without passing the DUE Date?

I is hard to see next to the selected amount Due is $64.99, to the right it says This includes a past due amount of $64.99.
That means ?=?= The amount due in 10 days is past due before the Due Date?

I am confused. This makes no sense! WAIT. I am not confused. This makes no sense! It is either a mistake or it was done on purpose. I started many years ago as a ‘seeker of truth’. Now I seek reality because truth does not matter. In this case on March 12, truth becomes reality! Or is it reality becomes truth! again in this case it will not matter. On March 11, the Bill will be paid! And reality will change as it does every minute of every Day. Truth and Reality will not matter as they become History. And no one pays attention to History.



We all know the saying:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot changecourage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.

In this ‘new normal’ I currently beginning to think my wisdom is failing. I am seeing too many things that my serenity cannot accept and my courage cannot pay the bill for.I may be referring to the last post but I think much, much more.

I worry that the one thing that is not acceptable is I see most others accepting the unacceptable.

I see smart people, elected people, saying that the laws that punish people when they break the laws is sufficient. I see no one talking about laws that dictate how laws abiding people are required to act. What has happened.

I have missed entirely when the Bill of Rights starting including the Right to disobey reasonable laws to protect people. We concentrate on what is the punishment for breaking the law which requires that law breakers must be found guilty of breaking the law before anything results from any action.

The President, Our former President

Do what ever is necessary. Yell FIRE in crowded theater. Insight a riot. Change your political party until you find one that you can control and become leader. No one will notice! I am a Republican who is been a member of every other party until he found this one that allowed him to take control. No one noticed!

Three Policemen from somewhere

Doing what they had always done, calling it a riot situation, end in killing a person at the right time to be caught. As my great grand daughter conclude for herself when she did something wrong! ‘The thing I did wrong is get caught’. They have recently been convicted and now the government will pay to keep them alive (for the rest of their lives)?

Russian President Putin

There is apparently no law about being the aggressor. There is no law about hacking electronic systems. There is no law about sending someone a bill for something that is nothing. But you become the victim is you pay your debts without verifying the bill and you may even give away information and become a victim for life? Russia sees separatist-held regions of Ukraine as not having the right to separate. Or is a group saying that another group is not owning up to their Responsibility? Is it only the responsible people that are not allowed to use force?

There is a lot of that going around this year!


My Traffic!

It is now Dangerous

Last night, on the interstate, I saw 2 reckless drivers and 1 major accident in an 80 mile trip. And I was the only driver to show any concern, at least for the recklessness. Everyone else ignored it.

I thought:
I’m glad he did not hit me.
Does he have a gun?
Is the car stollen?
Why is everyone accepting this? Does he have a Right to drive like this? Why doesn’t HE have to follow the rules? Am I my brother’s keeper? I hope he has an accident, single car accident!

What can I do?



Is not a requirement!

noun: the action or process of forgiving or being forgiven.

It is possible to go through an entire life without knowing forgiveness! That usually means this life never knows either result of the action.

noun. 1. act of forgiving; state of being forgiven. 2. disposition or willingness to forgive.

There are 2 definitions presented here. Both use ‘or’ not ‘and’. I fear this is clear and a mistake. Forgiveness is both at the same time! Where did this ‘God awful idea’ come from? Well, God!

The Lord’s Prayer – Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

and then there is.

Serenity Prayer
O God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time. Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace. Taking, as He did, the sinful world as it is, not as I would have it. Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His will; that I may be reasonably happy in this life, and supremely happy with Him forever.
(Reinhold Niebuhr, 1892-1971)

Which has NOTHING to do with forgiveness! It seems to address acceptance instead; BUT always gets confused and co-mingled with forgiveness without even trying.

The Lord’s Prayer, from God, ties both effects together, with an ‘and’. Your request for the Deity to ‘forgive us‘ is tied directly to ‘we forgive‘ with not even a ‘;’ between. God seems to say: ‘Ask for the forgiveness; I will give it to you, unconditionally, but don’t even think of it without your participation. And it will be quantified.’. It can be said that ‘as we forgive those‘ is a promise from us to God but then why is it in the middle of a list of requests?

And now to the main point of contention. I have often hear it said ‘I cannot forgive … because I cannot accept that … and not expect it to happen again.’ Or ‘I cannot forgive … because it will happen again.’ There is a reason why I cannot forgive; it is because I cannot accept.

Let me conclude with a story, and example.

I have a puppy. It is cute. It is noisy. It is messy. I forgive the puppy. I expect the puppy to be all these things. I will not hate the puppy. I will not throw the puppy out and never love it or let it in again. I will not accept the puppy as it is. But it is forgiven for the past. I do not say that I do not expect it to be the same state tomorrow. I do not say that I will forgive the past when I know the future will be different. I prepare for tomorrow and expect tomorrow and hope for tomorrow. I forgive the past, unconditionally! FOR ME not the puppy.
